TOPOLOGY- aspect of experimental modelling
Main sources
Busbea, L (1960-1970). topologies. France: MIT Press. 140-167
Sub sources
G.J.O. Jameson (1974). topology and normed spaces. London: Chapman and hall. 1-14.
Lefschetz, S (1975). Applications of algebraic topology. New York: Springer-Verlag. 3-42.
Ward, L (1972). Topology. New York: Marcel Dekker. 1-36.
Franklin, S. Thomas, B (1976). Topology. New York: Marcel Dekker. 1-75.
Alik, B. (1999). A topology construction from line drawings using a uniform plane subdivision technique. Computer-Aided Design. 31 (5), 335-348.
ARCHITECTURE- aspect of design
Main sources
Frascari M, Hale J, Starkey B (2007). From Model to Drawing. New York: Routledge. 34-41.
Sub sources
Brookes, A. Poole, D (2004). Innovation in Architecture. London: Spon Press. 15-28.
Sharp, D (1966). Modern architecture and expressionism. Lonon: Longmans. 166-168.
Schirmbeck, E (1987). Idea, form, and architecture. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 9-132.
Fender, K. (2011). The More Things Change. Architecure Australia. 100 (1), 9.
Perren, C. (2011). Home-Real and Ideal. Architecure Australia. 100 (1), 21-22.
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